Garlic Mustard Weeding

Friends of Decorah Parks is planning two dates in the month of April for garlic mustard weeding.


Where: Van Peenan Park: go up Quarry Hill Road past the quarry, to the parking lot with the sign.

When: Sat. April  8, 10:00-noon


Where: Phelps Park: near shelter on river side of the parking lot

When: Sat. April 15, 10:00-noon

Plan to arrive by 10, as we will be moving from the gathering spot.

Bring gloves.  We’ll have hand diggers and hoes, but we could use more hoes.

Garlic mustard is a greedy invader.  Smells and tastes like garlic, has small white 4 petaled flowers on a stalk in its second year. Find out how to recognize and kill it!

Come out, enjoy the spring woods, and keep them healthy.  We’d love to have your help, and besides, you can we have quite a bit of fun.  Other events may be planned after these two, so contact us if you’d like to keep informed. Think about adopting a plot, your very own piece of the earth that you can save from this invasive species.

Contact: Mary Lewis 563 202 4064

Ice Cave Scavenger Hunt- Ends 4/10/23

Join us in a family-friendly scavenger hunt along Ice Cave Road!

Search for Gnomes and other creatures that may be hiding along the trail.

Participants can start their hunt at the Dunning Springs Parking Lot and head towards Ice Cave. The trail will have riddles and clues for you to solve along the way. Once you have reached Ice Cave, follow the trail back towards Dunning Springs to solve new challenges on the way back!

Submit photos of your adventures to our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) to show off your hunting skills.

This event will end Monday, April 10th!

Easter Egg Hunt (8yrs & under)

For ages 8 years and under, join us Sunday, April 2, beginning promptly at 3:00 pm, at the Will Baker Athletic Fields. Children find plastic eggs filled with candy or prizes and all egg hunters receive participation gifts at the close of the Hunt.  The Easter Bunny will also be there so bring your cameras!

Register in-person ($4/per participant) at the Decorah Parks and Recreation Office, open Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm.

Last day to register is Monday, March 27th.

March Madness Bracket Challenge

March Madness is here! Submit your bracket and join the fun as we follow the men’s and women’s tournaments for this March Madness Bracket Challenge Event.

This free event will be on-going through the entire March Madness Tournament for both men and women. Each participant is allowed to submit one bracket per tournament, one for men’s and one’s for women for a total of two brackets. You cannot submit two brackets within the same tournament.

Brackets can be submitted through ESPN’s Tournament Challenge no later than Thursday, March 16th at 8:00am. Decorah Parks and Recreation has provided links for participants to join and submit their bracket below. Points will be awarded to participants whose teams advance throughout the tournament. Participants with the most points will be eligible to win awesome prizes and fan gear!

If you do not have an ESPN Account, select the first link below to sign up and then register (IT’S FREE). Once you are registered, you may either select the appropriate link provided or search for “2023 Decorah Parks and Rec” in the Search for Group section.

Once you reach the 2023 Decorah Parks and Rec page, select the “Create A Bracket Now!” and follow the prompts that will add you to the group.

As a reminder, brackets do not open until Sunday March 12th, Men’s at 6:00pm and Women’s at 8:00pm. As of now you may join the group, but will have wait to submit your bracket until it becomes available!

Create Your ESPN Account to Join The Bracket Challenge!

2023 Decorah Parks and Rec (Men’s Bracket)

2023 Decorah Parks and Rec (Women’s Bracket)

Wayside Ice Rink and Warming House

The ice rink will stay open as long as conditions are favorable, please obey signage while at the rink.

The Wayside Warming House will be closed for season starting Saturday, February 18, 2023.

Times below indicate the remaining Warming House Hours.

Wayside Warming House Hours:

Wednesday, February, 15th     3:00pm-7:00pm

Thursday, February 16th          3:00pm-7:00pm

Friday, February 17th                1:00pm – 7:00pm

FREE EVENT- Palisades Night Out

Palisades Night Out- Free Event!

Friday March 3, 2023 at Palisades Park from 7:00pm– 8:30pm

Join us on a guided walk through the park with activities and games along the way! Enjoy a campfire with hot chocolate and s’mores– we’ll bring the marshmallows and graham crackers, you bring the filling!

Please copy and paste the below link to your web browser to sign up!

Summer Applications

The Decorah Parks and Recreation Department is looking for highly energetic, motivated, and responsible individuals to join our staff for Summer 2023!

For more information or to pick up an application, contact the Decorah Parks and Recreation Office at 563-382-4158 or via email (

Winter Walkers

Decorah Parks and Recreation invites the community to join our Winter Walkers program beginning Wednesday, January 4th! Winter Walkers is a fun way for folks of all ages to stay active, spend time outside, and stay motivated during the winter when we are oftentimes less likely to bundle up and head outdoors. The aim of this program is to get moving every day, so feel free to participate as a walker, runner, biker, or whatever keeps you moving! 


Participate as an individual or create a pod (small group or family) and challenge yourself to get outside and walk every day. There is no cost to participate, participants should register HERE.


Each week you will receive an email that includes suggested routes, fun challenges, and a link to each week’s time log. Each submitted time log is an entry into a drawing for a monthly prize. You are not required to walk/move a certain amount, but rather are encouraged to set weekly goals and to keep a personal log to track and celebrate your own accomplishments. 


Register now and join us as we walk Decorah!

Free Fly Fishing Workshop

Join The Iowa Driftless Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Decorah Park-Rec., and Winneshiek County Conservation for a Free Fly Fishing Workshop Saturday, February 4, 2023.

This FREE workshop will be held in the Decorah High School Gymnasium from 10:00am- 12:00pm and is open to all ages.

Local casting instructors will discuss equipment, demonstrate basic casts, and will work with participants on their fly casting skills. Participants will be able to watch experts and learn how to tie their favorite flies.

There is no registration required, just show up!

Free Cross Country Ski Clinic

Decorah Parks and Recreation has partnered with Winneshiek County Conservation and Luther College Norse Ski Club to conduct a Free Cross Country Ski Clinic!

The clinic will take place on Sunday January 22nd from 1pm-3pm at Gateway Prairie on the Luther College campus.

We will meet at the clearing across from the Luther Tennis Courts.

The clinic is open to all ages, and is free of charge. 

Please register is due by 5pm, Thursday January 19th at or at the Park Rec Office.

Note: This program is dependent of snow, trail, and weather conditions. As we near January 22nd, any cancellations due to weather/ trail conditions will be communicated to participants as soon as possible.