Additional information including the want ad, job descriptions, and employment application can be viewed and downloaded from the City of Decorah website
School’s Out, We’re In – Fri, Feb 14
No school, no problem, your child (ages 5 thru 8) can join us for an entire day of fun!
Friday, February 14 is a no school day. Children registering for this program will meet in the Carrie Lee gym from 7:45 am to 3:45 pm. Children will participate in outdoor play, games, crafts, and other choice activities that are sure to keep them busy and entertained on this no school day. Participants should bring a lunch, water bottle, outdoor clothes, and an extra pair of tennis shoes to wear indoors. A morning and afternoon snack will be provided. All children should be dropped off between 7:45 am and 8:15 am, and picked up by 3:45 pm. Please enter Carrie Lee through the gym entrance just south of the Middle School on Winnebago Street.
Cost is $20 per participant. Registration and payment can be completed online at Registration will remain open until Friday, February 7 or until the class limit of 25 participants has been reached.
Free New Year’s Eve Bash
Join us for this fun, free, family friendly open house event in the 6:30-10:30pm Tuesday, December 31 in the Luther College Regents Center. The New Year’s Eve Bash will include open swimming, tennis, racquetball, basketball, pickleball, a bouncy house, and many other games and activities for all ages. Pizza, Gatorade, water and other snacks will be available for purchase. This event is sponsored by Decorah Bank & Trust and Gundersen Health System.
Please enter the Luther College Regents Center using the circle drive entrance on the west side of the building. No registration required, just show up.
Open Basketball
Decorah Parks and Recreation hosts open basketball play for kids of all ages in the Carrie Lee Elementary Gym (enter east doors off of Winnebago Street) on Sundays, November 10 thru February 16 (excluding January 12), from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. All children in 4th grade and under must be accompanied by an adult. Little Tykes hoops and basketballs will be available for younger kids, lowered hoops for those that are a little bit older, and regular 10 foot hoops for those in 4th grade and above. Special open gym will also be available on no school days for kids in 5th thru 8th grade. A complete schedule is posted in the gym and online. This is a free, drop in activity. No need to register, just show up.
Biddy Basketball Deadline is December 20
Participants in the two Biddy BB leagues (Pee Wee 3-4 yrs and Kinder 5-6 yrs) will learn the basic fundamentals of basketball and enjoy actual team competition. Teams are grouped according to age and game rules are modified to accommodate the lower ages and skill levels. Small baskets, balls and fun teaching techniques are used with special emphasis on sportsmanship. Each Saturday consists of a skills session followed by a game. This program meets in the Carrie Lee Elementary Gym on Saturday mornings, January 18 thru February 8. PARENTS: Two volunteer coaches are needed for each team. Park-Rec. staff will also assist with this program. If you are willing to coach, please include your name and shirt size when registering your child. REGISTRATION FEE: $20 (includes shirt). Register online or in the Park-Rec. Office. Credit and debit cards are only accepted online.
Middle School Bowling Deadline is December 20
This program for 5th thru 8th graders is held at Oneota Lanes on Saturdays, January 4, 11, 18 and 25, from 10:00 to 11:30 am. Participants will bowl two games during each class time with some instruction provided. In addition, youth in this program will be allowed to bowl for a cost of $2 per game throughout the 2020 calendar year. Registration fee is $25 (lane & shoe rental included). Register online or in the Park-Rec. Office. Credit and debit cards are only accepted online.
Winter Rec Activities Registration Begins November 15
Activities include Biddy Basketball for ages 3 to 6 years, Opt Outside for K thru 2nd, School’s Out We’re In for 5-8 years, Middle School Bowling for 5th thru 8th, Intro to Taekwondo for 4 years & up, free drop-in activities such as Adult Recreational Volleyball, Open Basketball for all ages, and great family activities such as the New Year’s Eve Bash, Fly Fishing Workshop, and The Great Inflate.
For additional program information and to register online, CLICK HERE. Credit and debit card payments are only accepted online. We are still accepting registrations by mail or in person at the Park-Rec. Office, but payment must be made by check or cash. You may download a brochure online or pick one up at the Park-Rec. Office, local banks and fitness centers, and the Decorah Public Library.
Turkey Shoot Results
156 people participated in the 37th Annual Decorah Park-Rec. Turkey Shoot on Tuesday, November 12. This parent-child free throw contest was held in the high school gym. There were 10 age categories (combined ages of parent and child) and a turkey was awarded to the top scoring team in each category. Turkeys were provided by Decorah Fareway and other prizes by Deco Products Company, The Family Table, and Total Tree Care. Turkey and drawing winners should pick up their certificate or prize at the Park-Rec. Office by Monday, November 18.
Turkey Winners were Megan & Eli Lyon, Bryan & Beckham Panos, Derek & Elena Thompson, Brian & Grady Huinker, Joe & Maggie Gavle, Mike & Oliver Bollinger, Brent & Claire Storhoff, Matt & Cade Olson, Jon & Jacob Pipho, Larry & Cohen Berland.
Prize Winners were Mitch & Brady Benzing, Jesse & Crosby Butler, Gregg & Kyle Pattison, Lori & Carter Rissman, Kerbie & Tate Dahlen, Megan & Levi Sherman, Mike & Adeline Bollinger, Doug & EmilyGrace Bryce, Sarah & Isaiah Harman, Tadd & Natalie Schutte, Josh & Cora Giddings, Tova Brandt & Emmett Olson, Amanda & Anna Bailey, Matt Kuempel & Kelley Gates, Dan & Tyler Shaw.
37th Annual Turkey Shoot
The “shoot” will be held in the DHS Main Gym on Tuesday, November 12, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. In this fun family event, a parent and child team up, combine their ages to determine their competition bracket, and each shoot 10 free throws in an attempt to win a certificate for a free turkey. In addition, all teams are eligible for a prize drawing. Winning teams will be posted on the Park-Rec. website and Facebook by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 13. This is a free event–just show up! SPONSORS: Turkeys provided by DECORAH FAREWAY. Drawing prizes provided by DECO PRODUCTS COMPANY, THE FAMILY TABLE, and TOTAL TREE CARE.
Dodgeball Tournament – Friday, November 8 (no school day)
Decorah Middle School students are invited to organize teams (3 girls, 3 boys) for this fun tournament. Each team member must have a waiver signed by a parent/guardian. Team roster/waiver forms are to be picked up from the Middle School PE teachers and turned in at the Park-Rec. Office by Friday, November 1, along with the $25 per team entry fee. Teams must check in at the Carrie Lee Gym by 8:45 am, and games will run most of the morning.