
Garlic Mustard Weeding

Friends of Decorah Parks is planning two dates in the month of April for garlic mustard weeding.


Where: Van Peenan Park: go up Quarry Hill Road past the quarry, to the parking lot with the sign.

When: Sat. April  8, 10:00-noon


Where: Phelps Park: near shelter on river side of the parking lot

When: Sat. April 15, 10:00-noon

Plan to arrive by 10, as we will be moving from the gathering spot.

Bring gloves.  We’ll have hand diggers and hoes, but we could use more hoes.

Garlic mustard is a greedy invader.  Smells and tastes like garlic, has small white 4 petaled flowers on a stalk in its second year. Find out how to recognize and kill it!

Come out, enjoy the spring woods, and keep them healthy.  We’d love to have your help, and besides, you can we have quite a bit of fun.  Other events may be planned after these two, so contact us if you’d like to keep informed. Think about adopting a plot, your very own piece of the earth that you can save from this invasive species.

Contact: Mary Lewis 563 202 4064