
Free Introduction to Pickleball Classes – Oct 6

Decorah Parks & Recreation and local pickleball enthusiasts are hosting free introduction to pickleball classes Thursday, October 6th at the Decorah City Tennis Courts. Classes are free and open to the public with two time slots to choose from. The morning class will run 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and the evening class will run 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Both classes will be identical, and will focus on basic pickleball instruction and score keeping. Registration is not being taken for these classes; participants should show up at the courts at their preferred class time. Participants are encouraged to bring their own paddle and ball. Limited equipment will be available for those who do not have their own. Questions should be directed to the Decorah Parks & Recreation Office via email ( or by calling 563-382-4158.