Free Fishing Day- June 3rd

Decorah Parks & Recreation and the Iowa DNR are hosting a fishing day beginning at 9:00am at Twin Springs Pond. This event is free and is geared for children ages 12 and under (ages 8 & under must be accompanied by an adult). Children should bring their own poles and bait (worms). Only a very limited amount of equipment and bait will be provided. This event is part of Free Fishing Weekend (fishing license is not needed for Iowa residents from June 2-4). No need to register, just show up!

Summer Registration Begins May 1st

Summer Brochure 2023

Decorah Parks and Recreation will open registration for Summer programs on May 1, 2023!

Here is the Summer Recreation Brochure for viewing- check out what’s coming soon!

Prairie Burns Scheduled

Prescribed prairie burns will take place on parts of the Decorah Community Prairie. The burns will take place between April 12 and May 14.  Weather conditions are the major determination as to when the burns will take place. If you would like a notification of the exact day and time of the burns, please call the Park and Rec. office at 382-4158 and leave your phone number. We will try to notify you when the exact date and time are determined.

Prescribed burns are an effective resource management tool utilized to discourage the growth of weeds and woody vegetation while promoting the growth of desired native vegetation in prairie restoration sites.

Job Openings: Recreation & Concession Staff

The Decorah Parks and Recreation Department is looking for highly energetic, motivated, and responsible individuals to join our department as recreation and concession staff!

The Decorah Parks and Recreation Department is now taking applications for recreation and concession staff for the 2021 summer season. For more information and to request an application contact the Decorah Parks and Recreation Office at 563-382-4158 or via email (

Sept 13 Deadline for Kickoff Kids

This program for children ages 5 to 6 meets at the Will Baker Athletic Fields on Saturday mornings, September 21 thru October 12.  Participants will jump, run, grow and have fun as they play games and learn some basic skills. Each week includes different tag games, sports skills, and fun agility exercises to keep kids moving and engaged.  Two time slots to choose from:  9:15-10:00 am OR 10:15-11:00 am (20 maximum per time slot).  Registration Fee:  $20.  Register online or at the Decorah Park-Rec. Office by September 13. 


Fall Rec Activities Registration begins August 15

Click on Online Registration & Activities. Credit and debit card payments are only accepted online.  We are still accepting registrations by mail or in person at the Park-Rec. Office, but payment must be made by check or cash.  You may download a brochure online or pick one up at the Park-Rec. Office, local banks and fitness centers, and the Decorah Public Library.

Activities include Adult Coed Slow Pitch Softball, Adult Coed and Women’s Volleyball Leagues, Spikesters Volleyball for 3rd-6th, Flag Football for 1st-6th, Kickoff Kids for 5-6 yrs, School’s Out, We’re In for 5-8 yrs, Sharp Shooters Basketball for 1s -3rd, Hoopsters Basketball for 4th-6th and Intro to Taekwondo for ages 4 & up.  Special events include Touch-a-Truck and Turkey Shoot for all ages, Football Clinic for 1st-6th and Dodgeball Tourney for 6th-8th.


Easter Egg Hunt Registration Deadline is April 1

Children 8 years and under are invited to participate and find plastic eggs filled with candy or toys.  They will also receive a participation gift at the close of the Hunt.  The Easter Bunny will be there, so bring your cameras!

The cost is $3 per child fee and must be paid in person at the Park-Rec. Office located at the Decorah Municipal Center.  There is a signup sheet/waiver for this event and each child who registers receives an official Easter basket which is their ticket into the Hunt.  The Easter Egg Hunt will take place at Phelps Park on Sunday, April 7, at 3 pm.

Ice Rink Opens Fri, Jan 18

The ice rink and warming house officially open for the season Friday, January 18 at 12noon.

The ice rink is located on 5th Ave. just west of College Dr.  and is always open for skating unless the sign at the ice rink indicate otherwise. Regular warming house hours are listed below, but can change if conditions are not conducive to skating. Skates are not available to rent at the ice rink, but can be rented from Decorah Bicycles, which is located at 101 College Dr in Decorah.

Warming House Hours

Monday thru Thursday 1:00pm-7:00pm

Friday 3:00pm – 9:00pm

Saturday 1:00pm – 9:00pm

Sunday 1:00pm – 7:00pm

*The warming house will open at 1:00pm on weekdays when there is not school

Summer Registration begins May1

Registration for summer recreation activities and swimming lessons runs May 1 thru May 25.  Get a pool pass at a reduced price if purchased by June 1.  To get summer information and to register online, click on the Online Registration & Activities Info icon.  Credit and debit cards are accepted online.

You may also register at the Park-Rec. Office (checks and cash only) from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday thru Friday.  Brochure information can be viewed or downloaded from the online website or you can pick up copies at the Park-Rec. Office, local banks, and the Decorah Public Library.