Job Openings: Summer Lifeguards

Lifeguards in waterThe Decorah Parks and Recreation Department is looking for highly energetic, motivated, and responsible individuals to join our staff as lifeguards!

The Decorah Parks and Recreation Department is now taking applications for lifeguards for the 2021 pool season. The pool season runs mid-May through late-August and offers full and part-time lifeguard positions. For more information and to request an application contact the Decorah Parks and Recreation Office at 563-382-4158 or via email (

The Decorah Parks & Recreation Department is still working to finalize lifeguard certification dates.

Easter Egg Hunt – Sun, March 28

Children 8 years and under are invited to participate in Decorah Parks & Recreation’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, March 28th at 3:00pm at Will Baker Athletic Fields!

The Egg Hunt will begin promptly at 3:00pm and children will find a designated number of eggs filled with candy or prizes. The Easter Bunny will be available for photos and egg hunters will receive a participation gift at the close of the hunt. Masks should be worn when social distancing is not possible.

Registration for the Easter Egg Hunt must be completed in the Park-Rec Office by Friday, March 19. Cost is $4 per participant and must be paid with cash or check at time of registration.

BookWalk in Phelps Park

BookWalk GraphicThe Decorah Public Library, the Decorah Community School District, and the Decorah Parks and Recreation Department are hosting a BookWalk Friday, March 12 thru Sunday, March 28.

A BookWalk is a fun way to read while enjoying the outdoors. This month’s story is Whoever You Are written by Leslie Staub. Pages of the book will be posted on the paved trail in Phelps Park.

The BookWalk is free, open to the public, and does not require registration.  The story is available in both English and Spanish.

Winter Trail & Recreation Information

Updated March 3, 2021

The ice rink and snow are melting quickly due to warm temperatures. The extended forecast of temperatures in the 40s and 50s are bringing an ended to our outdoor winter recreation opportunities. At this point, the ice rink is closed and the ski trails are continually melting away. Thanks for a wonderful winters season!


The following trails were groomed Monday, February 22

  • Carlson Park
  • Palisades
  • Trout Run Trail section beginning at the west end of Dug Road and traveling east to the Fish Hatchery
  • Will Baker Athletic Fields

The following trails were groomed Tuesday, February 23

  • Decorah Community Prairie
  • Luther College Intramural Fields
  • Luther Gateway Prairie
  • Trout Run Trail from the Decorah Campground to the Fish Hatchery traveling south


Decorah Parks & Recreation encourages those snowshoeing to use the multi-use trail in Carlson Park, the Decorah Community Prairie, and the trails in Van Peenen. Please be courteous of skiers and stay off the groomed ski trails.

Plowed Walking Routes – new this season!

Staff will plow routes for walking throughout the winter season.

  • Route #1: Starting at 5th Ave Bridge, travel south along bike trail to Pulpit Rock Campground. Pulpit Rock Campground will be plowed for pedestrians to walk loops around the campground and can return to 5th Ave bridge via the bike trail.
  • Route #2: Freeport trail is plowed from Bowstring Bridge to Haugen Hummel. Pedestrians can park in the parking lot by bowstring bridge or in the northwest corner of the Walmart Parking lot.

Ice Skating Rink

The skating rink opened for the season January 1, 2021. The warming house and restrooms are closed due to COVID-19, but a porta potty is available. There is no rink attendant. Please obey signage and be mindful of cones which indicate poor ice conditions. Park-Rec staff will continue to add water to the rink evenings when overnight temperatures dip into the teens. It is important that individuals stay off the rink after it is flooded to give water time to freeze and make good ice.

February Book Walk

The Decorah Public Library, the Decorah Community School District, and the Decorah Parks and Recreation Department are hosting a Book Walk Friday, February 12 thru Sunday, February 28.

A Book Walk is a fun way to read while enjoying the outdoors. This month’s story is Last Stop on Market Street written by Matt De La Peña and illustrated by Christian Robinson. Pages of the book will be posted beginning at Bowstring Bridge off of Highway 9 and traveling northeast along the Freeport Trail towards the Dog Park.

The Book Walk is free, open to the public, and does not require registration. The story is available in both English and Spanish.

Biddy Basketball Jamboree – Feb 27 & 28

Biddy Basketball JamboreeDecorah Parks and Recreation is hosting a Biddy Basketball Jamboree for children ages three thru six. Children ages three and four may sign up to participate in one 30 minute session Saturday morning, February 27 and children ages five and six may sign up to participate in one half hour session Sunday afternoon, February 28. All children must participate with a parent/guardian/adult. Park-Rec staff will introduce participants to basic fundamentals of basketball using fun teaching techniques.

Each session is limited to a maximum of 15 children. Attendance is limited to the registered participant and one adult. Spectators are not permitted due to COVID-19, and to ensure adequate space for program participants. Children, parents, coaches, volunteers, and anyone who enters school facilities must wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth at all times, including while participating in the Biddy Basketball Jamboree. Cost is $5 per participant. Registration is due Friday, February 19. Registration may be completed online or in the Park-Rec Office.

The Biddy Basketball Jamboree will be held in the Carrie Lee Gymnasium. Please enter the gym using the doors on the east side of the building along Winnebago Street. Participants and participating adults are asked to bring a clean pair of ‘court shoes’ to change into and wear on the court once they arrive. Please note, this program will be suspended if school is suspended or moves to remote only learning due to COVID-19.

Winter Walkers – New Program!

Decorah Parks and Recreation invites the community to join our February Winter Walkers program beginning Monday, February 1! Participate as an individual or create a walking pod (small group or family) and challenge yourself to get outside and walk every day. There is no cost to participate, but participants should register online.

Participants may enter to win monthly drawing prizes, receive weekly motivational/informational emails, and be invited to participate in fun weekly challenges. While the goal of this program is to get walking – individuals may also participate as a runner or biker, what matters is you get outside and get moving.

Participants should log daily activity (in distance or time walked), and should submit weekly activity logs to be entered in monthly prize drawings. Prizes will be awarded to individuals and walking pods at the end of the month. Information to submit weekly activity logs will be emailed to walkers after they complete the free online registration. Participants are not required to walk a certain amount, but walkers are encouraged to set  goals for themselves or their pod.

The Decorah Parks and Recreation Department will highlight various plowed walking routes throughout the program, but walkers are also welcome and encouraged to walk in their neighborhood or other favorite locations. Winter Walkers is a fun way for folks of all ages to stay active, spend time outside, and stay motivated during the winter when we are oftentimes less likely to bundle up and head outdoors.

Register now and join us as we walk Decorah!

Hot Chocolate Walk Sun, Jan 31

Decorah Parks and Recreation is hosting a Hot Chocolate Walk Sunday, January 31, 3:00-4:30pm in celebration of National Hot Chocolate Day!

Join the fun, get yourself moving and say goodbye to January and hello to February with this free, open-house event. The event begins and ends in the parking lot off of Ice Cave Road, and across from Dunning’s Spring Park. Walkers may choose the distance they walk on a plowed route, and the time they arrive. Parks and Recreation staff will have a fire ready for walkers to meet and warm up from 3:00-4:30pm.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own hot chocolate (B.Y.O.H.C.). Masks should be worn when social distancing is not possible. No registration is required. For more information contact the Decorah Parks and Recreation Office by calling 563-382-4158.

Tacky the Penguin Book Walk

The Decorah Public Library, the Decorah Community School District, and the Decorah Parks and Recreation Department are hosting a BookWalk Friday, January 15 thru Sunday, January 24.

A BookWalk is a fun way to read while enjoying the outdoors. This month’s story is Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester. Pages of the book will be posted beginning on the trail just south of the 5th Ave Bridge and across from Will Baker Athletic Fields in Decorah. The story will continue traveling south along the trail to and around Pulpit Rock Campground.

The BookWalk is free, open to the public, and does not require registration.  The story is available in both English and Spanish.

Participants can be entered in a drawing to win a $25 gift card to Cardboard Robot if they fill out this online survey after completing the BookWalk!

Sharp Shooters, Hoopsters, and Adult Volleyball Leagues Resume in January

Sharp Shooters, Hoopsters and Adult Volleyball Leagues that were suspended in mid-November due to COVID-19 regulations will resume in January.

Women’s Volleyball League will resume Wednesday, January 6. Sharp Shooters Basketball will resume Saturday, January 9. Coed Volleyball will resume Sunday, January 10. Hoopsters Basketball will resume Monday, January 11.

Participants in Sharp Shooters and Hoopsters should check their email for additional information. Participants in Adult Volleyball Leagues should check with their team captain for additional information.

For further information please contact the Decorah Parks & Recreation Office at 563-382-4158.